Motor Vehicle Lemon Law

Court Information

Other Consumer Problems

4 Resource(s) Found

Find the Circuit Court in Your Area

Here you can click on the name of your county in Virginia and find information on the Circuit Court in your county including the court's address, phone number, hours, and what types of cases are heard.

Find the General District Court in Your Area

Here you can click on the name of your county in Virginia and get information on the General District court in that county including the court's address, phone number, hours, and what type of cases are heard.

Find the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court in Your Area

Here you can click on the name of your county in Virginia and get information on the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court in your county including the court's address, phone number, hours, and what types of cases are heard.

Glossary of Commonly Used Court Terms

Here you can find definitions to terms commonly used in court.

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