Affordable Care Act (ACA) Resources for Seniors

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Enroll Virginia!

Individuals, families and small businesses can find plans that fit their needs and their budget, and nobody can be denied coverage for having an illness or a pre-existing condition. Financial help is also available to help lower the cost of health insurance. ENROLL Virginia! can help you learn how to enroll and find a person in your community who is certified to answer your questions about the new marketplace.

People with Medicare and the Health Insurance Marketplace

The new Health Insurance Marketplace will NOT affect their Medicare coverage. This document includes frequently asked questions about Medicare the Health Insurance Marketplace.

Straight Talk for Seniors

Confused about health reform? Wondering what it means for older Americans? The National Council on Aging's national educational campaign helps seniors understand what’s in the health reform law and how it affects them. Its facts are drawn from the law itself and from numerous non-partisan sources.

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