Elder Abuse/Adult Protective Services

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Elder and Incapacitated Adult Abuse

Each year, many elders and younger adults who are incapacitated are victims of mistreatment by family members, by persons who are responsible for their care, and by others. The term “abuse” is used to describe the act of intentionally hurting someone. Abuse can take many forms. It may be sexual abuse, financial exploitation, emotional abuse, or confinement. Abuse may involve physical violence or the deliberate neglect by a caregiver of the medical, health, and nutritional needs of a vulnerable person. The article includes information on signs of abuse and preventing and reporting abuse.

Signs of Adult Abuse, Neglect or Exploitation

Any person, including financial institutions, may report suspected abuse to APS. If you or someone you know is being mistreated, contact your local department of social services and ask for an APS worker, or you may call the 24-hour, toll-free hotline 1-888-832-3858.

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