JustChildren Program

General Contact Information


Toll Free
1000 Preston Avenue, Suite A
Charlottesville, VA 22903

How to Get Help

1000 Preston Ave.
Suite A
Charlottesville, VA 22903

Who We Are

The JustChildren Program works to increase opportunities for all children in the Commonwealth to be successful in their schools and their communities.  At the JustChildren Program, we believe that whenever the government assumes responsibility for the care of a child - whether in the educational system, the foster care system or the juvenile justice system - the result should be that the child's chances for success in life are improved, not damaged.   We use direct representation, education and organizing outreach, and state-level advocacy to achieve positive outcomes for our clients.  With innovative approaches, the attorneys and community educators on the JustChildren team are successfully addressing many of the systemic problems that are roadblocks for these children to get out of poverty.

Who We Serve

  • Statewide
Language(s) Spoken
  • Spanish / Español
Is this organization accessible by wheelchair? Yes
Does this organization provide access for the hearing impaired? No

Type of Help

This group provides the following types of services based on your legal needs and its resources:
Last Review and Update: Mar 15, 2012
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